Stats analysis: individual morphology measures
Linear mixed model to statistically assess how your experimental variables of interest influence each morphology measure, at the subject level. output[1] contains anova results, output[2] and output[3] contain posthoc results, output[4] contains qqplots to check normality assumptions, and output[5] contains shapiro test results.
- data
is your input data frame
- model
is your model (e.g., Value ~ Treatment*Sex + (1|MouseID))
- type
is the type of model you want to fit. "lm" for fixed effects or "lmer" for mixed effects (from the
package)- posthoc1
is your posthoc comparisons (e.g., when considering sex: ~Treatment|Sex)
- posthoc2
is your posthoc comparisons (e.g., when not considering sex: ~Treatment)
- adjust
is your method of multiple test correction (from
package: "tukey","scheffe","sidak","dunnettx","mvt","holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr","none"). See "P-value adjustments" section under ?emmeans::summary.emmGrid for more information.
The stats_morphologymeasures.animal function fits a linear model using the 'lm' function for fixed effects or 'lmer' function from the lme4
package for mixed effects
for each morphology measure individually within your dataset. Posthocs are run for each morphology measure
individually and bound together into the final dataframe that is output by this function.