Stats analysis: cluster-level changes
Linear mixed model to statistically assess how your experimental variables of interest influence cluster percentages, at animal level. output[1] contains anova results, output[2] and output[3] contain posthoc results, output[4] contains model fit checks (read more under Details section), and output[5] contains information about the model.
- data
is your input data frame
- model
is your linear mixed model (e.g., Value ~ Cluster*Treatment + (1|MouseID))
- posthoc1
is your first set of posthoc comparisons (e.g., ~Cluster|Treatment)
- posthoc2
is your second set of posthoc comparisons (e.g., ~Cluster)
- adjust
is your method of multiple test correction (from
package: "tukey","scheffe","sidak","dunnettx","mvt","holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr","none"). See "P-value adjustments" section under ?emmeans::summary.emmGrid for more information.
The stats_cluster.animal function fits a generalized linear mixed model on your dataset
to a beta distribution, which is suitable for values like percentages or probabilities
that are constrained to a range of 0-1, using the glmmTMB
package. Part of the output
includes a check of the model fit using the DHARMa
package, which "uses a simulation-based
approach to create readily interpretable scaled (quantile) residuals for fitted (generalized)
linear mixed models." The function creates two DHARMa
plots, contained in output[4].
You can read more about how to interpret model fit using DHARMa
by reading the
package vignette.